Spring,  The Potting Shed

Spring At Breezy Green Home

Spring inspiration at Breezy Green Home. From the kitchen garden to the many uses of seasoned clay pottery. We’re enjoying the bursting buds, Spring smells, and longer evenings. The pollen has also started to kick in, which isn’t as pleasant. All in all, Spring has our hearts.

Bleeding Hearts In Bloom

“Is the Spring coming?” he said

“What is it like?”…

“It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine…”

Frances Hodgson Burnett- The Secret Garden

We really didn’t have much of a winter here this year in Massachusetts. I love when we get a whipping Nor’Easter and piles of snow. The excitement of the first snow and storms thereafter are just plain old “Farmer’s Alamanac-esque” here. So, when Spring came with all of it’s mud and glory, we were ready. It’s been a rainy spring, but a good one.

Freshly planted lavender will be used for soaps, salves, and sore muscles

This year as I planned out my herb garden I wanted to make sure that I planted herbs that I was going to actually use. Speaking from experience, I would plant many herbs and not fully put them to use. I decided on lavender, chocolate mint, strawberry mint, and basil.

Lavender Rice Sore Muscle Recipe

This is a pretty simple thing to make. All you need is a clean sock, rice, herbs, and a microwave.

Take 6 cups of rice and pour it into a bowl.

Add 1 cup dried lavender to the rice and mix. You may add lavender essential oils too if you’d like it to have a stronger scent.

Mix and pour into a sock. Tie the sock tightly and heat in the microwave for 2 minutes, or to your heat preference.

It’s that easy!

The Kitchen Garden

I also planted a kitchen garden. I went with the Plimoth Plantation design of simplicity. By just using big boulders and smaller rocks, we (meaning Dave), used his machine and created a raised bed. Accidentally, I planted my veggies too soon and we had some snow and a frost on May 13th! Next year, I’ll wait. So now, I have to plant a lot of my veggies over again. Live and learn!

Veggies That We Eat

Same thing goes with the veggies that is going with the herbs. Plant what you will use. This garden will hold pickling cucumbers, zucchini, summer squash, and butter beans. We also have small cherry tomatoes growing in a different spot. The garden will be fruitful. Also, speaking of fruitful we have some new fruit trees arriving too. Why not start a small orchard? I know my vegetables are currently looking a bit sad, but stay tuned my friends.

The seasoned pottery. I have a bit of an addiction to simple pottery. It does have many uses here. I plant my mints in them, use them to hold outdoor silver wear for summer cookouts, holders for sunscreen near the pool, and yes, I use them for plants, too. You can even cook some summer bread in clean ones of course. I love when they get all mossy. It’s the vibe I strive for here at Breezy Green Home. Earthy. Organic. Comfort.

I love clay pots. I kind of have an obsession with them.